Hello everyone! I hope you have all been fine. I wanted to share these cards that I made last weekend.

This first one was done using a Stamp that Darlene got at the Stamping Up party a few weeks ago. I LOVE this Stamp set. I think I just might be using it more than she does! LOL! I made this card with the sketch from Friday Sketchers. (

This card was inspired by a friends blog: Tara (
http://www.thynner5.blogspot.com/). She has some great challenges and this one really talked to me. How could it not, it has Pooh Bear on it! I printed the photo and the quote from her blog and used it on my card. I got the sketch for it at Sketch Saturday (
Now for a lit bit of my kids creativity. I know I am a little late posting some Halloween pics, but I have just downloaded them into the PC now. I know bad, bad me! LOL! But here they are.

Here is Anize. She really wanted to be something scary this year and chose to be a vampiress! Dad did her makeup while I helped Jared get his costume ready.

I think she got pretty scary looking, don't you?

Jared decided at the last minute (of course!) that he was going to be a Mummy! So bought a sheet, dyed it with coffee and tea and then tore it all up and wrapped him up!

He got many comments on his costume this year. Unfortunately he did not have a plain brown or black hoodie to wear underneath the costume, so you can see his camo sweater. But it was dark out while Trick or Treating, and I really don't think anyone noticed!
If you wondering about the LOT of that. Well it's head lice. Yes the epidemic has reached my house! GGGGRRRRRR!!!! We found some in Anize's hair last Friday, along with some of the little critters in mine. Well we were both treated the house vacuumed, beds stripped and sprayed with a special lice killer. The couches were all sprayed as well. I spent 6 hours( No joke, my kid has extremely THICK hair) going through her hair, and then Jeff went through mine that night. Well I can't seem to get rid of them. We have treated her twice and doused her head in oil and vinegar for a whole day. Today I have to pick through her hair again, hopefully for the last time.
Have you ever had lice in your home? How did you get rid of it? I know they are attracted to clean hair, and that it has nothing to due with bad hygiene, but honestly this is crazy! If you have any suggestions/comments please leave me comment, I would love to hear about it!